Do you need help planning your trip to Nepal? Contact us here
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Payment Condition

Payments terms and conditions
Charming Guide Adventure (P).Ltd Company is ligally registered Company under the laws of Nepal and accepts your bookings under the following terms and conditions.
1. Down Payment
 to secure place, 50% down payment is required to make in advance after the booking Tours and Trekking.
• Next  50% –  request to pay on arrival .
2. How to Pay Your Deposit?
A) By Bank Transfer: After transfer
Please print out the form; fill up it duly signed and e-mail back us the scanned copy.
If by credit card: (please Contact Us) – Please note if you are  using credit card then there will be 4% extra in total bill for bank service charge. Please Download WORD File OR Download PDF File & print the payment file,  fill up the form and attach in our e-mail. you must do signature it is secure payment.
B) Address for Bank Transfer: (Telex transfer to our bank account)
USD Current  A/C No: 016  10150030017
Name of the bank : Sunrise Bank Limited, Pharping Branch, Kathmandu Nepal.  
Swift Code: SRBLNPKA
Beneficiary: Charming Guide Adventure Trek (p) Ltd.Dakshinkali-5
  Kathmandu, Nepal

3. Last Minute Booking
We accept your last minute booking with 100% payment (07-15 days prior to tour starting date ONLY IN CASES OF NEPAL AND BHUTAN TRIPS, but LAST MINUTE BOOKING WILL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE FOR MYANMAR, INDIA AND TIBET TRIPS-NEED 15 DAY MINIMUM).
4. Refund
No refund will be made for 25% land tour deposit amount in case of cancellation of trip for any other else reason (*Note: High end hotels charges 100% non-refundable in Bhutan). No refund from Flights and visa cost.
Having paid full amount of any trip, you’re entitled to incur refund in case if you want to cancel your trip. Still, cancellation charge is invoiced to you. Written notification of your cancellation should be made to cancel any trip. Nevertheless, you’re imposed cancellation charge as advised below: –
• 42 days or more before departure 25%
• 29 – 41 days before departure 80%
• 01 – 28 days before departure 100%
*Note: High end hotels charges 100% non-refundable in Bhutan. No refund from Flights and Visa cost.
5. Supplement Charge
On our holidays tour / trek packages, rooms or tents are provided in twin sharing basis. Thus, single room supplement charge will be imposed to client who does not have another tour participant to share room / tent with.
6. Incomplete Tours
No refund will be made to clients who drop out from the journey regardless of whatever portions remain unused in the itinerary.
8. Clients’ Responsible
A tour / trek guide who represents our company serves all authority during your tours/trek. If you commit any unlawful act, you are compelled to leave the tour. No refund will be made in such case.
9. Travel Insurance
You highly requestet to make the travel insurance  against medical, natural calamity, helicopter evacuation, personal accident, trip cancellation etc. This is strongly suggested to all our esteemed clients.
10. Tour Amendment
To make alterations of any trek / tour itinerary, prior notice is requested. You’re advised to stay in touch with us thus. But occasionally, you may be obliged to do so en route under certain circumstance for instance bad weather etc.
11. Your personal belongings
On any account, we’re not answerable for any loss or damage of your luggage or property belonging to you even when Carried  by porters and Transported by Flight or vehicles. That means your personal valuable things should have to carry in your day Baggage.
12. Papers & Documents
All necessary documents should be presented in sequence for example to issue visa/necessary permits etc.
13. Flight Delay/Cancellation
There is  possibility of flight delay or postpond for Bad weather in Mountain regions like , Kathmandu - Everest region (Lukla), Paro Bhutan, Lhasa, Jomsom, Dolpa, Simikot and Jumla region etc. Especially during Monsoon season, you’re highly advised to reserve extra days for trekking in Nepal. In case of flight cancellation before or afrer tour/trekking, you need to meet your accommodation and other  costs yourself

Client Reviews

Im April 2022 habe ich die perfekte "Nepal-Kennenlern-Tour" mit Hari gemacht. 
Es war mein erstes Trekking und auch mein erstes Mal in Nepal. Hari hat die perfekte Tour für mich geplant und ich hatte eine unfassbar tolle Zeit! 
Von der ersten Sekunde an habe ich mich extrem wohl gefühlt. Alles war perfekt vorbereitet und ich konnte mich ganz sorglos auf die neuen Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse konzentrieren. 
Neben einigen kulturellen Highlights, hat die Tour ein Trekking zum Poon Hill beinhaltet. Von dort konnte ich einen unbeschreiblich schönen Sonnenaufgang mit Himalaya-Panorama genießen. 
Hari hat sich wirklich super um alles gekümmert und war stets darum bemüht, dass ich mich rundum wohl fühle - was ihm auch ausnahmlos gelungen ist! 
Ich hatte eine unfassbar gute Zeit in Nepal und bin begeistert von diesem vielseitigen und wunderschönen Land, den grandiosen Menschen, die dort leben und dem unfassbar guten Essen. 
Ich komme auf jeden Fall wieder - die nächste Tour ist quasi schon geplant! 
Nachdem Hari mich mit dieser Tour entspannt an das Land, die Kultur, das Trekking und die Höhe herangeführt hat, geht es beim nächsten Mal hoch hinaus :) 
Vielen Dank für die tolle Zeit, die grandiosen Eindrücke, die ich sammeln konnte und die guten Gespräche auf unserem Weg. 
Ich würde jederzeit wieder mit Hari losziehen. Er ist der beste und zuverlässigste Guide, den man sich vorstellen kann!



2 Sektionsgruppen des DAV Köln wurden im März 2022 von Nabin bzw. Hari durch das wunderbare Tsumtal und bei der erfolgreichen Manasluumrundung hervorragend geführt. Lob gebührt auch dem gesamten Team von Charming Guide Adventure Trek. Es gab eine schon fast familiäre Betreuung, angefangen vom Good-Morning-Tea, der Versorgung mit Obst und Käse während des gesamten Trekkings bis zur regelmäßigen  Blutsauerstoffmessung. Vielen Dank für die kompetente Führung, nicht nur beim Wandern und der anspruchsvollen Überschreitung des Larkya-La, sondern auch bei Dorfrundgängen, Klosterbesichtigungen sowie durch die Altstädte von Kathmandu und Bhaktapur! Eine weiteres Sektionsgruppentrekking habe ich für Oktober 2022 geplant und kann es vertrauensvoll wieder in die Hände von Hari legen.

Gerd Lorenz
Gerd Lorenz


In May 2019, my father and I, did a trekking in Mustang with Hari Kumar Khatri as a guide and the “Mannschaft”: Nabin, Biman, Shatiman and Harkha. The trekking lasted about 20 days and we basically always slept in tends: sometimes outside the houses of the villagers and sometimes in the middle of nowhere.
Unfortunately, especially in the southern part of the Upper Mustang, people are building many roads which are literally destroying the landscape. But thanks to the knowledge of Hari of this territory, we were able to avoid the majority of the roads consequently avoiding other tourists and the traffic.
Overall, the trekking was very well organized. I really appreciated the fact that we were able to adapt the itinerary according to our preferences even during the trekking! I must add that Hari is not only a good guide but also a great cook!
This was my second trek with Hari and once again I really enjoyed it and I would for sure recommend him as a guide to somebody interested in doing a trekking in Nepal.
Thank you Hari and the Mannschaft for the great trekking and happy moments!
Valentina and Reto




Charming Guide Adventure Trek Pvt. Ltd. 
Dakshinkali-5, Kathmandu, Nepal

Phone: +977 1 4710475
Cell: +977 9851004498, 9818915721




NTB Taan Natta Pata